File is open already. This file cannot be converted by PageMaker Your PC publication was not created by PageMaker 3.0 This file is not a PageMaker 2.0 publication. %d segments couldn’t be properly located. They appear on a new page 1. Internal error: inconsistent text information. . Internal error: inconsistent story information. This file is not a PageMaker 1.2 publication. Defaults file has old version number. PageMaker cannot open it. Defaults file is already open: will not be able to save new defaults. Cannot create file. Canceled. File not found. Filename changed. Internal error: Old version; cannot convert. Cannot save as to same publication. . The selected publication or template was open during a crash. Recover to the last mini-save version by re-opening it. The selected publication or template was open during a crash. Recover to the last mini-save version by re-opening it. The selected publication or template was open during a crash. Recover to the last saved version by re-opening it. The selected publication or template is damaged. There is no mini-save version. There is no saved version. Internal error: Hit file reference limit. File is not a PageMaker publication. Internal error: Pub too complex. Delete one or more stories or graphics and try again. Insufficient memory. Internal error: No room in local heap.